Professional Code of Conduct

Professional Code of Conduct

1. To ensure mutual co-operation amongst members by free inter-change of opinion and experience.
2. To express an opinion only when it is founded on adequate knowledge and honest conviction if he is serving as a witness before a court or commission.
3. To hold in regard the professional reputation of other Corporate Members and not to injure directly or indirectly the professional reputation or practice of another Corporate Member.
4. To exercise the restraint in criticizing the work of another Member.
5. To refrain from associating in work with another individual who does not conform to ethical practice.
6. To refrain from misrepresenting his qualifications to the organization or to any other person concerned.
7. To treat all information acquired during the course of the any dealing related to the organization strictly confidential unless released by the client or demanded by a court of law.
8. To observe integrity and fair play in the practice of the any educational stream.
9. To steer clear of situations where interests and duty clash.
10. To conduct yourself and the profession in a manner which will not prejudice your professional status or the reputation of the organization.
11. To abide by all the rules and regulations of the Governing Council and in case there is a difference of opinion the decision of the Governing Council shall be binding.
12. To follow this code as amended and or revised from time to time.